In nursing homes, it is very important to manage the sleep patterns of patients.Sleep quality is an important indicator of a patient ' s health.For example, information such as what time the user ഉറങ്ങുന്നു, എന്ത് സമയം എഴുന്നേല്ക്കുമ്പോ, എത്ര തവണ അവൻ wakes up in the middle of the night. ആ സമയത്ത് ഒരു barometer of health.It acts as a data center.

ആവേശകരമായ Caremate offers features that make it easy to manage this important sleep pattern.ഈ "സ്ലീപ്പിംഗ് പാറ്റേൺ" function, it is possible to input the sleep data of the user with one touch, and to review the data പിന്നീട്.You can easily see what kind of സാഹചര്യം ആയിരുന്നു.

ഈ സവിശേഷത provides a detailed understanding of the patient ' s sleep status and provides valuable information for proper care.